Life insurers continue to refuse Holocaust survivors’ claims

Mon Nov 25th, 2013 on     Insurance Claims,    

Historians differ on the start date of the Holocaust. The Simon Wiesenthal Center says it began when Adolph Hitler was became Chancellor of Germany. Others say it that Kristallnacht, the infamous “night of broken glass” in November 1938, was the opening salvo of the Nazis’ overt war on the Jews and other “undesirables” of Europe. Either way, by the end of the war in May 1945, the Nazis had murdered 11 million civilians.

Homeowner to Citizens: I hate to say I told you so, but …

Mon Nov 18th, 2013 on     Homeowners Insurance,    

Insurance companies are all about risk. They weigh the odds that a home will be damaged by a flood or a windstorm, and they decide how much taking on that risk will cost. If the cost is too high, the insurer just says no to the applicant, either for the whole policy or just for the riskiest coverage. Think, for example, about the health insurer that denies coverage for a pre-existing condition but agrees to cover everything else. Or the homeowners insurance company that covers fire damage but not flood or windstorm damage.

Bill could end Florida homeowners’ flood insurance rate nightmare 2

Mon Nov 4th, 2013 on     Homeowners Insurance,    

A bipartisan group of lawmakers from both the House and the Senate announced last week that they have introduced a bill to provide relief to homeowners whose flood insurance rates skyrocketed on Oct. 1. The rate increases were part of the 2012 Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act, so they were not unexpected. What surprised homeowners was just how steep those increases turned out to be.

Bill could end Florida homeowners’ flood insurance rate nightmare

Sat Nov 2nd, 2013 on     Homeowners Insurance,    

Florida homeowners may get relief from flood insurance premium hikes after all. As we discussed a few weeks ago (start with our Sept. 24 post), the rate increases called for by the 2012 Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act took homeowners and lawmakers by surprise. We all expected the increases to take effect Oct. 1, but, just as no one expects the Spanish Inquisition, no one expected rates to increase tenfold.

Three more life insurers settle over unpaid benefits, death list

Tue Oct 29th, 2013 on     Insurance Claims,    

In the past few months, Florida and six other states have entered into settlement agreements with three life insurance companies regarding their failure to do due diligence in identifying deceased insureds and their beneficiaries. The states’ efforts began a couple of years ago and have already resulted in a number of insurers paying multi-million dollar settlements, revising internal processes or both. See our Oct. 12, 2012, post for information about the deal reached with Nationwide Financial Services Inc.

Florida orders force-placed insurer to cut premiums by 10 percent

Sat Oct 26th, 2013 on     Homeowners Insurance,    

The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation is continuing to crack down on force-placed insurers. Earlier this month, the OIR entered a consent order against American Security Insurance Co. that will result in lower premiums for policyholders; the order should also result in less predatory practices by the insurer, the largest force-placed homeowners insurance company in the state.

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