Florida homeowners insurers facing downgrade

Mon Feb 20th, 2017 on     Insurance Law,    

Many Florida homeowners have mortgages that are backed by either the Federal National Mortgage Association or Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation. In most of these cases, the homeowners have property insurance that has been issued by a Florida-based company. On Feb. 14, an Ohio company that rates insurance companies around the country based on their financial stability indicated that it will likely be downgrading the ratings of at least 10 of those Florida insurers. This move could create significant problems for affected homeowners.

What budding entrepreneurs should know about Florida’s insurance requirements

Thu Jan 19th, 2017 on     Insurance Law,    

When an entrepreneur finally decides to move ahead with their plans for starting a small business, it will initiate a process that is equal parts excitement and exhaustion. That’s because in addition to doing everything in power to seeing their vision for a thriving enterprise become a reality, the budding small business owner will also have to handle a host of far more mundane yet crucial tasks.

Just how helpful is Florida’s insurance website for consumers?

Mon Oct 3rd, 2016 on     Insurance Law,    

While most people view their state’s department of insurance as the government agency tasked with everything from licensing and regulating insurers to addressing complaints and controlling rates, it’s important to understand that they also exist to educate consumers about this sometimes arcane topic, enabling them to make informed decisions about their policy coverage.

Taking the initiative: Tips for locating a lost life insurance policy

Tue Jun 14th, 2016 on     Insurance Law,    

Back in April, our blog reported on a new Florida law now in effect that’s designed to combat unscrupulous tactics by insurance companies concerning payouts on life insurance policies. Specifically, the practice of insurance companies actively searching death records for annuity recipients in order to facilitate the stoppage of payments, while simultaneously making no effort to identify deceased policyholders whose unclaimed benefits could still be claimed by unwitting beneficiaries.

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