You were elected to the board of directors? Gee, that’s … um … p2

Wed Nov 12th, 2014 on     Insurance Law,    

Power and responsibility may come at a price: liability. Serving on the board of directors or as an officer of a for-profit or nonprofit organization may be lucrative or rewarding or both, but the positions also carry risk for the individual. Think about Enron: When the company imploded, officers and directors scrambled to prepare for lawsuits and criminal charges against them personally and as a group, even if they knew they had done nothing wrong.

You were elected to the board of directors? Gee, that’s … um …

Fri Nov 7th, 2014 on     Insurance Law,    

There is a naysayer in every crowd. When you buy a fancy new car, your first indulgence in a long time, one of your friends or coworkers will point out that the car lost a third of its value the second you drove off the lot. When you buy your first house, that same person, who just happened to purchase a home last year, will not congratulate you. He will kill your excitement by tossing in a “Just wait ’til you have to replace the roof” comment.

Yes, men are gullible, but why won’t they ask for directions?

Thu Oct 23rd, 2014 on     Insurance Claims,    

A recent survey shows a very interesting split between men and women when it comes to insurance. The survey, conducted by, tested 2,000 adults’ knowledge of insurance without digging into their actual coverage or claims experience. The respondents were asked if 10 statements based on common myths about insurance were true or false. For the most part, men were more gullible than women.

Why a medical claim may be denied

Mon Oct 13th, 2014 on     Health Insurance,    

No one plans to get sick or develop a medical condition, but the reality is that these things happen and, when they do, the costs associated with medical care and treatments are often astronomical. Health insurance exists to help defray costs associated with medical care. For example, if an individual gets sick and needs to go to the doctor, his or her health insurance typically covers a portion of the expenses related to a doctor’s visit or hospital medical tests.

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