Insurance concerns don’t end when kids go off to college

Thu Aug 11th, 2016 on     Insurance Claims,    

In just a few weeks, parents across the state of Florida will find themselves hit by a whirlwind of conflicting emotions as they drop their children off for the start of their freshman year of college. Indeed, they might feel everything from great pride for their child’s achievement and sadness at them leaving home to anxiety about the future and excitement about finally having an empty nest.

Why is Citizens Property looking to raise rates in the tri-county area?

Wed Jun 29th, 2016 on     Homeowners Insurance,    

It’s no secret that both state lawmakers and policyholders have always had a somewhat tenuous relationship with Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, the nonprofit government entity created back in 2002 as a means of providing property insurance to the owners of homes, condominiums and businesses here in the Sunshine State who cannot secure the necessary coverage on the private market.

Taking the initiative: Tips for locating a lost life insurance policy

Tue Jun 14th, 2016 on     Insurance Law,    

Back in April, our blog reported on a new Florida law now in effect that’s designed to combat unscrupulous tactics by insurance companies concerning payouts on life insurance policies. Specifically, the practice of insurance companies actively searching death records for annuity recipients in order to facilitate the stoppage of payments, while simultaneously making no effort to identify deceased policyholders whose unclaimed benefits could still be claimed by unwitting beneficiaries.

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